There are murmurs across social media that Mahendra Singh Dhoni will remain the CSK captain for the IPL 2022 season. After hinting last year about his desire to play his last game in Chennai, this is a bit of surprise, if true. Especially considering CSK’s retention of Ravindra Jadeja for fees more – INR 16 Cr for Jadeja & INR 12 Cr for MS Dhoni – than Dhoni himself. We have already analyzed that Ravindra Jadeja will be their next captain, which CSK is already on course. Now onto the big question: Is it time for MS Dhoni to hand over the CSK captaincy to Jadeja?
The Answer & the CSK Captaincy
After captaining the franchise for 200+ games and conquering 4 titles, the CSK and Indian legend’s cricket career is already in the twilight. The batting performances of the last two IPL seasons definitely suggest so. He has done everything that a franchise can ask from its captain and a leader. The comeback in 2021, after a first-round exit in 2020, is first-hand proof of his ability as a leader.
With possibly a season more left in him, IPL 2022 seems to be the right time to pass on the battle. Look, it isn’t that he cannot lead CSK to another title, but on-field knowledge transfer is equally important for the franchise’s future. Handing over CSK captaincy in IPL 2022 will bring this knowledge transfer method into play. This will guide and prepare the next leader to take on the mantle when MSD hangs his boot.
New CSK leader’s new team
The mega auction precedes the 15th edition of IPL, which is an event every three years (four years this time due to the Covid situation last year). Passing on the CSK captaincy will allow the future skipper to build his own team – per his plans – in the mega auction, instead of inheriting one. Inheriting a former leader’s team isn’t big trouble but why let go of an opportunity for the new leader to start? That would instill confidence, and project a franchise’s backing to the person.
Knowing MS though
Knowing MS Dhoni and his plans though, somewhere inside I know he will most likely hand over the CSK captaincy before the IPL 2022 season. However, I won’t be surprised if that happens quietly in a corner with only a few around. Who knows, he may have already done that a while ago.
As I sign off this blog, I cannot hold myself but hum his favorite lines of legendary singer Mukesh:
Me pal-do pal ka shayar hoon,
Pal-do pal meri kahani he,
Pal-do pal meri hasti he,
Pal-do pal mri jawani he
Somewhere we all know he’ll have to pass on the battle, he will have to go. But we don’t really want him to, do we?
Do You think MSD shall hand over CSK Captaincy?
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